Manage your 401(k) Retirement Plan here.
Contact Retirement Benefits Assistance at 1-800-294-4015.
To help you save for retirement, Apex makes matching contributions in an amount equal to 100% of your deferral contributions, up to the first 5% you contribute to your 401(K). This “free” money is one of the reasons why it makes good financial sense to participate in the 401(k) Plan.
Contribute at least 5% of your pay
Each pay period, Apex matches 100% of the first 5% you contribute to your 401(k)-retirement plan. To get the full company matching contribution, you will need to contribute at least 5% of your eligible pay each pay period throughout the year.
- Learn more by visiting or call the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line at 1-800-421-3844 Monday through Friday*
Reach out to David Bainter with Frost Wealth Advisors if you have questions about how your plan is running, questions on investment options, need guidance on whether to contribute to the 401(k) and/or Roth account, or need help with rolling over money from a different 401(k) plan.
David Bainter
Senior Vice President | Retirement Services
Frost – Banking, Investments, Insurance
640 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Office: (817)420-5081 | Fax: (817)420-5106
[email protected]
*Excluding New York Stock Exchange holidays), from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time, to speak to a Fidelity representative.
- Go to and click on Register Now if logging in for the first time.
- Click on the Quick Links dropdown menu under the Apex Capital Corp 401(k) plan and select Contribution Amount.
- Click the Contribution Amount hyperlink. Select the way you would like to enter contributions. Either EasyContributions by selecting a package or Change Contributions to choose your own amount.
- EasyContributions selects a package for you and includes an explanation of the package amounts.
- Change Contributions are entered manually by you.
- Select how you want to contribute and invest your contributions among the investment options available in the plan. Investment performance and fund descriptions are available online or over the phone. If you are interested in additional information about investing, go to the NetBenefits Library to learn more.
- Contribution information will then be sent to Workday the following Monday once your account setup is complete OR your new contributions are entered. You may make contribution changes at any time through your NetBenefits account.
*Remember to designate your beneficiary(ies) by accessing Your Profile on NetBenefits.
Fidelity Website: Manage your 401(k) Retirement Plan here
Benefits Center: 800-421-3844
Planning and Investing services: 866-602-0636
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET
Plan Administrator Contact
Reach out to David if you have questions about how your plan is running, questions on investment options, need guidance on whether to contribute to the 401(k) or Roth account or need help with rolling over money from a different 401(k) plan.
David Bainter
Senior Vice President | Retirement Services
Frost – Banking, Investments, Insurance
640 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Office: (817)420-5081 | Fax: (817)420-5106
[email protected]
You may request investment changes or redirect future contributions among the investment options available through Fidelity at or by calling the Retirement Benefits Line at 800-294-4015 any business day. when the NYSE is open.